Video and
& Artist
Missy Whiteman, The Coyote Way: Going Back Home.
Please note: this program is not accepting applications. The next application round will open in early 2023.
- Step 1: Read the 2021 Program Overview (YOU ARE HERE)
- Step 2: Take the Eligibility Questionnaire
- Step 3: Review the Application Questions and Review Process and Criteria for the two grant program options:
- Step 4: Review the FAQs (for the Production Grant or the Artist Development Grant), attend an information session webinar (optional)
- Step 5: Complete the online application in Submittable

Kiera Faber, Obscurer.
Grant Basics
Production grants of up to $30,000 for all stages of production, supporting early career film, video and digital production directors.
The expansion to all stages of production, including pre-production costs as eligible, is new for this program round.
Artist Development grants of up to $7,000, supporting early career film, video and digital production directors.
Please note: this is the first time that the Foundation has offered the Artist Development Grant.
Program Overview
Offered every two years, this program provides early career filmmakers either a Production Grant of up to $30,000 for all stages of production, or, new this year, an Artist Development Grant of up to $7,000. Both awards support film, video and digital production directors who reside in Minnesota and who work in the animation, documentary, experimental, and narrative genres, or in any combination of these forms. In the Production Grant the expansion to all stages of production, including pre-production costs, is new for this program round.
Filmmakers may apply for one or the other of these opportunities, but not both.
Production Grant
The production grant provides funds to early career filmmakers to support specific projects, both short and full-length, for all stages of production, including pre-production, production and post-production costs. The awards of up to $30,000 do not require matching funds.
Artist Development Grant
The artist development grant provides funds to early career filmmakers to engage in self-designed mentorship with experienced directors and further their filmmaking craft and/or professional skills while working on a specific film, video or digital production project. The awards of up to $7,000 do not require matching funds.
The program does not fund retroactively: only costs incurred after the grant is awarded and a grant contract is signed will be supported.
Grantees must receive all grant funds between November 11, 2021 and April 13, 2023.
Applicants must meet the eligibility requirements outlined.
Learn more about the past Film, Video and Digital Production Grant awardees in Minnesota and New York City.
Program Timeline
Online application opens
Applications must be submitted using Submittable, our online application platform, at https://jeromefdn.submittable.com/
Webinar with program staff
RSVP for the live event at https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_BmBG5PZ8QdmvhhffdwwNlQ or watch a recording on-demand on the Jerome Foundation website following the live event.
Q&A Session with Program Staff
Ask any questions you have about the application. Use this link to join the meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89831468273?pwd=REo3WEpqNUFtT01VZWxkVGxFbW50dz09
Q&A Session with Program Staff
Ask any questions you have about the application. Use this link to join the meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89831468273?pwd=REo3WEpqNUFtT01VZWxkVGxFbW50dz09
Q&A Session with Program Staff
Ask any questions you have about the application. Use this link to join the meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89831468273?pwd=REo3WEpqNUFtT01VZWxkVGxFbW50dz09
Deadline for applications
Late applications are not accepted.
Notification of grant status
Staff will not have status updates on the application in advance of this date.
Funds will be paid to filmmakers
Please note: only costs incurred after the grant is awarded and a grant contract is signed will be supported.
Additional Program Requirements
- Filmmakers provided with support through this program must receive all grant funds and begin production before April 13, 2023. Exceptions or extensions to this policy, whatever the reason, must be approved in advance by staff and requested before March 13, 2023.
- Grantees may not substitute a different project than the project in the application for which a grant was received. Doing so may result in the Foundation recalling the grant. Any major changes to the nature or scope of the project must be approved in advance by the Foundation.
- If a grantee has abandoned or delayed the proposed project beyond April 13, 2023, the Foundation may cancel the grant and require the refund of any funds already distributed and not spent.
- The Foundation does not fund retroactively. If an applicant completes the proposed project between applying and the grant notification date, no funding will be awarded.
- Grantees are required to submit a progress report at the end of every year in which grant funds are received. Grantees must also complete a final project report when the project has been completed (or abandoned). Grantees are ineligible to apply for additional support in this grant program until the final report for this grant is approved.
- Grants are considered taxable income. Grantees must provide a social security number or ITIN to the Foundation. All grantees are listed in the Jerome Foundation's annual tax return, which is a public document and is posted on the Foundation’s website. For more information on public access to the tax returns of foundations, please contact Foundation staff.
Eligibility Requirements Overview
Please read these requirements carefully and take the Eligibility Questionnaire. The application will not be considered if the applicant does not fit the eligibility requirements. If there are questions or doubts regarding eligibility, please contact Foundation staff and we will advise: we do not want any artist to spend time on an application that is rejected due to issues of eligibility.
Who is eligible to apply?
These programs support early career film directors who have in the past and will in the future generate new work; who have creative “authorship” and creative control in the creation of that new work; and whose primary practice is centered in creating new work either in animation, documentary, experimental, and narrative film, video and digital production, or in a combination of any of these forms.
The Foundation understands that, especially at an early stage, artists may do more than direct: they may also act, design, write, edit and/or produce. Artists who perform multiple functions are eligible only if these functions also include directing. This program is not open to film producers, screenwriters, editors, designers, etc., unless they also meet the eligibility requirements related to directing past work.
Early career directors have some evidence of professional achievement but not a substantial record of accomplishment and are recognized as early career artists by other artists, curators, producers, critics, and arts administrators. Applicants whose filmography is entirely self-presented and who have no additional support through grants, public screenings produced or sponsored by others and/or competitive prizes should contact Jerome staff prior to April 1, 2021 to discuss eligibility.
At a minimum, applicants must have directed and completed at least one film, video or digital production project. This is not a program for first-time filmmakers. Applicants must serve as the director(s) of the proposed project (i.e., must be listed in the film credits as the director).
Applications are only accepted from individuals or co-directing teams applying jointly. Applications may not be submitted by fiscal sponsors, production companies or other organizations. Individuals with a single user or sole proprietor LLC may direct the funds to their LLC. Funds may not however be directed to a Partnership LLC.
- If applying as an individual, applicants must have prior sole directing credit on at least one film, video or digital production project. Projects done as part of a co-directing team will not count towards eligibility and may not be used as work samples unless applying as a co-directing team (see below). Applicants must meet the eligibility requirements listed on the following page.
- If applying as a co-directing team, applicants must have credits on at least one prior film, video or digital production project that they have already co-directed together. Projects completed individually or co-directed with anyone other than the co-directing partner for the application do not count towards the minimum of one co-directed credit to meet eligibility and may not be used as work samples.
Co-directors must submit a single application and will share the grant funds equally. In order to submit an application, all co-directors must meet all of the eligibility requirements for filmmakers applying individually and have a demonstrated history of creating new work. Only eligible co-directing filmmakers may be included in the application. For example, a producer or cinematographer cannot be included in the application.
All individual applicants or all members applying as part of a co-directing team must meet all eligibility requirements listed below.
Residents of Minnesota for one year at time of application
Residency is determined by applicants having filed their most recent federal taxes as a resident of Minnesota and will file in Minnesota in 2021; and have either a Social Security Number or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN).
- COVID-related temporary relocation (for artists who were MN residents in 2019, relocated in 2020 because of COVID but intend to return to MN in 2021): An applicant who filed federal taxes for 2019 as a MN resident, has spent most of 2020 away from MN because of COVID-related pressures (whether economic or medical) but plans to re-establish residence in MN before July 1, 2021, is eligible in terms of residency.
- Exceptions for artists who are relocating to MN from prior established residence in New York City: A director who filed federal taxes for 2019 as a NYC resident but will not file their federal taxes for 2020 as a MN resident (apart from those citing the COVID exception above) is eligible to apply, if, and only if, the applicant has moved or will move to Minnesota from New York City and will file federal taxes in MN for 2021. If an applicant is planning to move to Minnesota from New York City before October 2021, they should apply in the MN program and not in the New York City program.
Please note however that if an applicant filed federal taxes for 2020 (or 2019 if the COVID exception applies) as a MN resident but plans to relocate to New York City before October 2021, they should apply in the New York City program. Please note that the New York City program has a different structure and requirements than the Minnesota program.
Film Directors* who are currently creating new original work
* Film Directors are those who conceive and create new original work. Jerome does not fund artists who solely perform or develop/produce the work of others (e.g., actors, editors, cinematographers, screenwriters and producers who are not also film directors).
Film Directors must have directed one completed film, video or digital production project over which they have creative control.
Filmmakers must have at least one work on their resume/CV that has been supported by a presenting organization (e.g., film festival or screening series) or funder (for a project grant from either a foundation or a federal, state or local arts agency). Work that has been screened only on an online screening platform is eligible as long as there has been a competitive selection process. Work that has been screened publicly only through a filmmaker’s own platforms or through un-curated, “sign up” or “first come first served” formats is not eligible. Commercial or industrial work over which the filmmaker does not have creative control cannot be considered as evidence of eligibility and cannot be the focus of a grant project.
Artists early in their career
° Early career artists are, in general, typically in their 2nd to 10th year of creative practice, post-degree-granting program (if applicable). This spectrum is framed by film directors with some track record of creating and presenting full work (not beginning, first-time directors), and who are NOT at a point in their careers where they receive consistent development and production opportunities and significant recognition, awards, and acclaim (not mid-career or established film directors).
Artists beyond 10 years in the field who wish to discuss eligibility—based on circumstances (whether personal or geographic) or on specific creative practice considerations (i.e., the scale of work and/or extended creative cycles necessary to complete a single work)—should contact Jerome program staff before April 1, 2021 to discuss eligibility in advance of submitting an application.
Creating bold, innovative and risk-taking~ new work that explores and/or challenges conventional artistic forms
~ Innovation and risk-taking are Jerome Foundation values that reflect our interest in supporting artists from diverse backgrounds and experiences who are expanding or deepening ways of working, asking questions, and inspiring new ways of imagining.
- artists whose primary goals and practice are to interpret the works of others
- artists whose primary goals and practice have been and will be as actors, cinematographers, editors, screenwriters, critics, producers or scholars
- artists working in other artistic disciplines who want to make film or video versions of their work, such as choreographers or composers, who do not also have a history as a director of new original film or video work
- arts administrators
- producers
- managers
- artist representatives/agents
- current Jerome grantees who are not up-to-date and compliant on reporting requirements
- filmmakers who have already received a Jerome production grant support for a project and are looking for additional support for that same project
- an applicant appearing on more than one application
- full-time tenured faculty at any college, university or institution of higher learning
- filmmakers who have completed, released and have in distribution more than two feature-length films (running time of 50+ minutes or more). As a general rule, completion, release and distribution of two feature films will be an indication that a filmmaker may be too far advanced to qualify for Jerome early-career support. Artists who have completed/released two features should talk to Jerome staff to discuss eligibility more fully before submitting an application.
Please take the Eligibility Questionnaire to determine whether you are eligible for these programs before you begin an application. The Eligibility Questionnaire contains more detail around the resume/CV and work sample requirements, and how the Jerome Foundation defines early career artists.
What projects and activities are eligible?
- New short, episodic or full-length film, video and digital production work either in the genres of animation, documentary, experimental, and narrative, or in a combination of these forms. The Foundation has no preferences of subject matter or genre (i.e., documentary over narrative or animation).
- All stages of production are eligible, but projects that will not begin production within the 17-month timespan of the grant (November 2021 – April 2023) should apply in a future round. Highest priority will be projects that expect to begin production within the grant timespan.
- Applicants are expected to demonstrate their experience and capacity for the proposed story or content. Depending on the subject matter, this may require the applicant to demonstrate an understanding of and authentic relationship with the people or communities involved in the work. Especially in the review of documentary proposals, panelists are interested in the degree to which relationships with the film subjects/content has been developed.
- Artists seeking support for installation, new media, games or interactive work. This type of work is supported in other Foundation programs and is not eligible for this program.
- Filmmakers applying for projects that have already received production grant support through this program.
- Filmmakers working solely on commercial, industrial, informational and music videos over which they do not have final creative control fall outside of Foundation priorities and are not eligible in any Foundation program for project support. (Music videos and projects created as work-for-hire may be used for work samples or to establish eligibility as long as the filmmaker has creative control—i.e., is credited as the director and has the authority to present the film or video.)
Pre-production, including:
- Location scouting
- Hiring cast and crew
- Permitting & Insurance
- Finalizing rentals agreements
- Website development
Production, including:
- Shooting
- Rehearsals
- Location fees
- Equipment rental or purchase
- Travel (transportation, lodging, per diem costs)
- Staffing (creative, technical or otherwise)
Post-production expenses, including:
- Editing
- DCP Master
- Transfers and conversions
- Securing rights and licensing
- Scoring/sound mix
- CGI/titling
- Translators/subtitling
- Special effects
- Color correction
Distribution expenses, including:
- Creation of trailers
- Marketing
- Screenings
- Community Engagement
- Attending pitch sessions
- Distribution costs
- Festival fees
- Study in degree-granting programs
- Commercial or promotional productions
Opportunities to engage in self-designed mentorships with experienced directors and/or artistic, technical or business skill development activities while working on a specific new film, video or digital production work in the genres of animation, documentary, experimental or narrative, or a combination of these forms.
This program seeks to advance the creative practice and/or career development of early career filmmakers. Applicants must have a solid grounding in filmmaking and clearly identify the skills they are pursuing, the strategy for achieving their mentorship goals and the film project that these skills will support. All stages of production are eligible, but the proposed skill development activities should tie directly to the stage of production for the project.
- Artists seeking support for installation, new media, games or interactive work. This type of work is supported in other Foundation programs and is not eligible for this program.
- Filmmakers with advanced degrees in film production or clearly demonstrated artistic and technical capacity looking for production support
- Filmmakers working solely on commercial, industrial, informational and music videos over which they do not have final creative control fall outside of Foundation priorities and are not eligible in any Foundation program for support. (Music videos and projects created as work-for-hire may be used for work samples or to establish eligibility as long as the filmmaker has creative control—i.e., is credited as the director and has the authority to present the film or video.)
Artist Development, including:
- Mentorship/Apprenticeship (other than those for study in degree-granting programs). Eligible costs include fees for working with a director or studying with instructors to acquire or further develop new artistic or technical filmmaking skills, including but not limited to:
- the craft of story telling
- cinematography
- audio production
- editing
- animation
- scripting
- working with actors
- story boarding
- developing community relationships
- marketing expertise-trailers, web, social media, pitch material, etc.
- Equipment and/or software purchase as a percentage of the budget
- Travel costs to attend filmmaking conferences, residencies, study artistic film practice and/or engage with other filmmakers or mentors, networking with producers or doing pitch sessions at festivals, including related transportation, lodging, per diem and/or childcare costs
- Consultant fees related to supporting business skills (e.g., accounting, marketing, legal consultation, distribution, fundraising, website design for promotion, etc.)
- Study in degree-granting programs
- Income support to compensate for unpaid work on commercial or promotional productions
Applications must be submitted using Submittable, our online application platform. Go to https://jeromefdn.submittable.com/ and select either the Minnesota Film, Video and Digital Production Grant (2021) or the Minnesota Film, Video and Digital Artistic Development Grant (2021) to begin the application.

Xiaolu Wang, The Subversive Sirens.
Applications must be submitted no later than Wednesday, April 21, 2021 at 4 pm Central. Late applications will not be accepted.
Applicants are asked to provide information in the application that demonstrates their artistic merit, including their dedication to and artistic accomplishments thus far, the potential impact of a grant on their careers and their artistic field, and feasibility of the project being completed. Panelists prioritize applicants in alignment with Jerome’s values (diversity, innovation/risk and humility).
Application materials include:
- Work samples (specific instructions provided in the application criteria documents for the Production Grant and Artist Development Grant) accompanied by additional contextual and factual information.
- Responses to questions which you may answer in writing or via video. Recommended maximum word/time lengths are given for each question and artists are strongly urged to not exceed the maximum.
- Resume or CV.
Panelists consider all elements of the application (and only those elements) and are not required to consider materials beyond the recommended lengths in work samples or answers to questions. Panelists do not visit websites or social media channels, or consider materials beyond those submitted by the applicant, even though they may bring their personal experience to bear if they have experienced work by the artist.
The applications and review criteria are different for each grant program. For more information, please review:
- Production Grant: Application Questions and Review Process and Criteria
- Artist Development Grant: Application Questions and Review Process and Criteria
Informational Webinar
Jerome staff held a webinar to review the programs and application process, in addition to a Q&A on January 20, 2021. Here is a recording of the event (with closed captions).
Q&A Sessions
Bring your questions to these open “office hours” with Jerome staff. Sessions will be held on Zoom—mark your calendar and use this link to join the meeting!
- Wednesday, February 17 at 12 noon Central
- Wednesday, March 24 at 12 noon Central
- Wednesday, April 7 at 12 noon Central
Staff Contacts
The Foundation encourages applicants to contact Foundation Staff to ask questions and to discuss potential applications. Staff are generally available Monday through Friday between 9 am and 4:30 pm Central Time.

Eleanor Savage has been with Jerome Foundation since 2007. She is active in the philanthropic and arts community as an agitator for equitable practice and involved with the national organization, Grantmakers in the Arts, as the Co-Chair of the Support for Individual Artists Committee. She is a media artist, an activist and has instigated many community-focused/artist-centered events in the Twin Cities: Naked Stages; Forbidden Fruit Radio; Vulva Riot; and Dyke Night at the Walker Art Center. She was previously the Associate Director of Event and Media Production at the Walker Art Center for sixteen years.
Eleanor's life-long commitment is promoting human rights as a guiding force and working actively as a white, gender-queer butch against racism and all the other intersecting oppressions.

Andrea Brown joined the Jerome Foundation in 2016. She came to the Jerome Foundation after five years at the Walker Art Center, where she was Associate Director of Strategic Marketing, and prior to that Associate Director of Digital Marketing and Marketing Manager. She worked in the New York office of the American Academy in Berlin before taking a 7-year detour into software at Marketing Bridge/Gage Marketing where she was Lead Account Supervisor.
Andrea has a B.A. in American Studies from Smith College.
Inspired by our founder, Jerome Hill, the Jerome Foundation has a long history of supporting filmmakers. In 1965, the Foundation made its first grant to an individual, filmmaker Stan Brakhage, in the form of an annual fellowship. Jerome Hill also initiated a long period of support for Jonas Mekas’ Anthology Film Archives in New York City.
In 1978, the Foundation’s support for emerging/early career filmmakers in New York City was launched as a structured, annual grant program, providing production funds to individuals through an open application and independent panel review process.
In 1980, the Foundation’s support for emerging/early career film and video artists in Minnesota was launched as a structured, annual grant program with an open application and independent review process. The program was administered by Film in the Cities from 1980-1993; the Jerome Foundation assumed full responsibility for the program in 1994.
In 2014, the Foundation broadened its film and video production grant program to include digital works for virtual environments, open to artists working in the genres of experimental, narrative, documentary, and animation.

Jerome Hill. Photo by Michelangelo Durazzo.