Jerome Foundation—a Saint Paul-based Minnesota and New York City arts funder—is honored to welcome new Directors Salome Asega, Dr. Kate Beane, and Janet Wong and new Members Linda Earle and Phyllis Rawls Goff to the governance team.
The Members Chair Sara Maud Lydiatt-Vanier and Board of Directors Chair Kate Barr shared their excitement, saying, “As the Foundation celebrates its 60th year, we are beyond thrilled to be joined by these stellar leaders. They each bring expansive connections to artists, culture bearers, and arts ecosystems, and enduring commitments to nurturing, supporting, and advocating for equitable experiences for artists.”
President and CEO Eleanor Savage amplified the critical thought partnership role of Directors and Members, noting, “In this time of questioning, challenging, and re-imagining across arts fields and in philanthropy, the Foundation is fortunate to engage with inspired artists and arts leaders as thought partners to help vision and navigate the called-for transformations.”
Both Members and Directors, elected for multiple three-year terms, are essential partners in the work of the Foundation, contributing invaluable guidance on Jerome's journey toward equitable grantmaking and in support of its mission and values. The Members of the Jerome Foundation—a group of up to five individuals including both Hill family relations and individuals without kinship—are charged with preserving the legacy of the Founder, Jerome Hill, ensuring that the charitable purposes of the Foundation are observed, and electing the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors—comprised of working artists and arts administrators, as well as individuals whose professional lives and expertise lie outside of the arts—are vested in the governance, management, and direction of the Jerome Foundation, and approve all grants awarded by the Foundation.