The AMERICAN COMPOSERS FORUM, St. Paul, Minnesota, received a two-year grant of $282,000 for composers commissions, performance outreach grants and the provision of technical assistance to composers. The Forum links communities with composers and performers, encouraging the making, playing and enjoyment of new music. It develops programs that educate todays and tomorrows audiences, energize composers careers, stimulate entrepreneurship and collaboration, promote musical creativity and serve as models of effective support for the arts. The Composers Commissioning Program requires a joint application from a composer and either a performer or presenting organization with a commitment to premiering the proposed work. The CCP empowers composers to take the initiative in developing their own creative visions and pursing the ensembles of their choice. In 1997, the Forum established the Performance Outreach Grants, a pool of funds to encourage performers to give multiple performances of their newly commissioned works, particularly before audiences that may be relatively unfamiliar with new music. Finally, Jerome funding was authorized for the provision of direct services to emerging composers.