The TEXTILE CENTER OF MINNESOTA, Minneapolis, Minnesota, received $14,000 to support 2003-04 programs and services for emerging Minnesota fiber artists. The mission of the Center, a coalition of the textile community in the state, is to promote excellence in fiber arts and preserve textile traditions. It represents artists working in all forms including weaving, quilting, knitting, sewing, needlework, lace making, basketry, and beading. During the 2003-04 program year, the Center will mount seven exhibitions, five of which specifically serve emerging Minnesota textile artists. Jerome funding is also directed toward high-end professional workshops that advance the skills, artistry and career development of artists. The textile shop, operating on a consignment basis, will receive increased marketing attention in the coming year. A textile dye lab offers emerging artists access to state-of-the-art dye equipment and ample work space for large-scale projects.