RESOURCES AND COUNSELING FOR THE ARTS, St. Paul, Minnesota, provides affordable management information, consulting and training services designed to improve the business competence and confidence of independent artists and cultural organizations. It served as fiscal agent for composer and vocalist LILA KANE, a composer, chanter and vocalist who has forged the genres of music, myth and theater. Her interests lie in mystical and sacred traditions. Studies and practice in chant from ancient traditions are a strong influence in her compositions and performance. Jerome Foundation funding of $8,000 was authorized toward the development of Communion, a new evening-length oratorio to be performed by the Minnesota Womens Chorus, a portion of the Minnesota Chorale, African Drummers, Didjereedoo players, a Tibetan singing bowl orchestra and Javad Alizadeh, an elder chanter. Kane acts as composer, performance, artistic director and director of the choir.