THE POETRY PROJECT at St. Mark's Church in-the-Bowery, New York City, received $16,000 to support a Manuscript Development Workshop and a Seminar Series. For 33 years, The Poetry Project has sponsored programs supporting new and experimental poetry. They include reading series, performance series, emerging forms, multimedia events, writing workshops in a variety of genres and styles, a newsletter, a literary magazine, symposia, lectures, discussions, the annual New Year's Day marathon reading, publication parties and special events. The Manuscript Development Workshop will assist six to ten emerging poets in the preparation of full-length poetry manuscripts. The workshop will be taught by a published poet, with extensive editorial experience, over 26 two-hour weekly sessions. Subsidy was also authorized for single-session seminars taught by prominent writers, critics, editors and translators. They'll cover a variety of subjects from surveying trends in the current scene to finding audiences and readership for one's work.