THE FIELD, New York City, as fiscal sponsor for MIGUEL GUTIERREZ AND THE POWERFUL PEOPLE, New York City, received a grant of $9,000 in support of the creation, development, and production of the new work And Lose the Name of Action. The Field is dedicated to providing strategic services to performing artists and companies in New York City and beyond. It fosters creative exploration, stewards innovative management strategies, and helps artists reach their fullest potential. Miguel Gutierrez makes solo and group pieces with a variety of artists under the moniker Miguel Gutierrez and the Powerful People. In his work, the interplay of movement, text, sound, and light creates, for the performers and the audience, an immersive state of immediacy and attention. And Lose the Name of Action will be an evening-length performance that uses dance and improvisation as the bridge between discoveries from research into neurology, embodied philosophy, somatic/healing practices, and the paranormal.