SPRINGBOARD FOR THE ARTS, Saint Paul, Minnesota, as fiscal sponsor for choreographer CHRIS YON, received $8,500 in support of the development and production of a new work titled The Very Unlikeliness (Im Going to KILL You!). The mission of Springboard for the Arts is to cultivate a vibrant arts community by connecting artists with the skills, contacts, information, and services they need to make a living and a life. Springboard has supported the arts community with management and consulting services for more than 20 years. Chris Yon, choreographer and performer, is developing The Very Unlikeliness (Im Going to KILL You!), an evening-length duet. Its currently structured in four parts, which reflect four areas of continued interest, four drawers for different choreographic propensities. The duet will organize information in a way that is unpredictable and often impenetrable. It will combine rhythms and gestures into accumulating repetitive sequences that are formal, soulful, still, slick, mysterious, and melancholic. These dizzying structures will give way to a gut-bucket essence.